Saturday, January 31, 2009

Guilt Free Christianity

Guilt Free Christianity
By Rev. Johnny Lee Clary

Rev. Johnny Lee Clary is one of the leading advocates for racial unity in the United States and has appeared on countless television and radio shows such as The Billy Graham Radio show, Fox News, Morris Cerullo, Oprah, Morton Downey Jr., Rolanda Watts, Geraldo, Sally Jesse Raphael, Jerry Springer, Ricki Lake, Queen Latifah, Montel Williams, Phil Donahue, A&E Investigative Reports, ABC World News Tonight, Bertrice Berry, The Today Show, A Current Affair, The 700 Club, and Kenneth Copeland's TV show. He has also been a regular guest on TBN's Praise The Lord show and has been featured in America's top newspapers and magazines, including a seven page feature story in Charisma magazine in April 1999, Moody Magazine, Guidepost Magazine (Sept. 1998), Kenneth Copeland's Believer's Voice of Victory magazine, as well as appearances on TV programs in Australia, England, Holland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, and Wales.

I guess one of the most sickening things I have to encounter as a Christian is when some so-called ‘Christians’ that suffer from the mental disorder called liberalism disagree with me on something, the first thing they scream out is ‘You are still a Klansman! You just changed your hate towards black people to hate towards gays, Muslims, and liberals! You are living proof Johnny Lee Clary that you can take the man out of the Klan but you can’t take the Klan out of the man!”

Is this supposed to hurt me? They think it will, and I will admit that it used to until many years ago when I finally learned who the accuser of the brethren is and that the children of Satan do the will of their father. John 8: 44-47 says, “You come from your father, the devil, and you desire to do what your father wants you to do. The devil was a murderer from the beginning. He has never been truthful. He doesn't know what the truth is. Whenever he tells a lie, he's doing what comes naturally to him. He's a liar and the father of lies. So you don't believe me because I tell the truth. Can any of you convict me of committing a sin? If I'm telling the truth, why don't you believe me? The person who belongs to God understands what God says. You don't understand because you don't belong to God."
Rev. 12:10 says, “Then I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, "Now the salvation, power, kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah have come. The one accusing our brothers and sisters, the one accusing them day and night in the presence of our God, has been thrown out.”

Besides, since liberalism is a mental disorder, just like racism and homosexuality, it would be unchristian like and unloving of me to hate them because they are suffering from a sickness.

Jesus said it is not the healthy but the sick who needs a doctor. (Mark 2:17) The people who attack and throw up my past to me are sick with sin and they need “Doctor Jesus” to deliver them. He has the cure and it is my job as a pastor to pray that they get that cure and their deliverance.

It will take the Holy Spirit to convict these people and make them realize they are sick with sin.

John 16:8 says "And He, when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment;”

According to Matthew 26:75, Peter felt sorrowful and conviction after he denied that he was one of Jesus’ disciples. Paul did also according to Acts 9:4. After they felt convicted, they both repented and started following Christ the right way, which resulted in Peter going on to become the very first Pope or leader of the church and Paul to become the one who shaped the doctrine for Christianity.

You can’t let your critics get you down otherwise you will be so-preoccupied with their senseless criticism that you will not be able to accomplish what God has called you to do while on this earth. If that happens then Satan and his kids will have succeeded at their devilish tasks.

There was a time in my life that I was spiritually dead. Because of sin, I was corrupted, and I could not see that it was killing me. I could not see the truth because the darkness of sin had blinded my eyes. I was just like these modern day Pharisaical church cops who criticize me. “All of us once lived among these people, and followed the desires of our corrupt nature. We did what our corrupt desires and thoughts wanted us to do. So, because of our nature, we deserved God's anger just like everyone else.” Ephesians 2:3.

Although I deserved death, because I was corrupted just like these liberals are and was going to receive eternal separation from God for my sins, I received what I did not deserve, and that is forgiveness and eternal life in heaven when I called upon the name of Jesus. “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23)

Jesus paid my debt in full, and when I repented, asked Him into my heart, and began the process of renewing my mind by dedicating my entire life to Him, His righteousness became mine because I placed my complete trust in Him, by giving my whole life to Him. After all, He took all of my sin and all of my guilt to the cross with Him.

As the song “There Is A Fountain says,:

“Filled with blood drawn from Emmanuels veins
And sinners plunged, beneath that flood
Lose all their guilty stains”

My friend Ps. Margaret Court who is the leading female pastor in Australia, says that the definition of righteousness means right standing with God. That means to be right with God. That is what counts and not the ones who throw up your past and put you down. They will not get you to heaven because they are not going there themselves unless they repent and change too. Jesus means everything. He is your ticket to heaven. Don’t let the negative ninnies and modern day Pharisees pull you on board the Hell-Bound Train with them. Get on the Jesus’ Love Train baby!

Have you really received Jesus as your Lord, Master and personal Savior? If so, then recognize that your standing before the Lord has been changed from guilty to righteous. In the age of guilt-free ice cream, guilt free chocolate bars and guilt free soda pop, some people tend to forget that through Jesus there is a such thing as guilt free Christians!

© 2009 Johnny Lee Clary International
All Rights Reserved
No Part of this article may be reprinted or posted anywhere without written permission of Johnny Lee Clary International

Is It Biblical and Right To Fight If You Are A Christian?

(A Case For War)

By Pastor Johnny Lee Clary

PhotobucketRev. Johnny Lee Clary is one of the leading advocates for racial unity in the United States and has appeared on countless television and radio shows such as The Billy Graham Radio show, Fox News, Morris Cerullo, Oprah, Morton Downey Jr., Rolanda Watts, Geraldo, Sally Jesse Raphael, Jerry Springer, Ricki Lake, Queen Latifah, Montel Williams, Phil Donahue, A&E Investigative Reports, ABC World News Tonight, Bertrice Berry, The Today Show, A Current Affair, The 700 Club, and Kenneth Copeland's TV show. He has also been a regular guest on TBN's Praise The Lord show and has been featured in America's top newspapers and magazines, including a seven page feature story in Charisma magazine in April 1999, Moody Magazine, Guidepost Magazine (Sept. 1998), Kenneth Copeland's Believer's Voice of Victory magazine, as well as appearances on TV programs in Australia, England, Holland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, and Wales.

When President Bush, Prime Minister John Howard and Great Britain’s Tony Blair all three declared war on Iraq, and when the great Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel took action against the pathetic Palestinian terrorists, and most recently when Israel finally had enough of Hamas firing rockets into Israel killing innocent Israeli citizens and went into Palestine and kicked Hamas's backside up one street and down the other,the socialist leftist subversives all screamed and hollered and took to the streets in defense of Saddam Hussein in 2003, and in defense of Hamas in 2009.

People screamed out that this war was not right but I knew that right would win, and it has. The United States and her allies have triumphed over and conquered one of the most brutal evil dictatorships in modern day history by defeating that scumbag Hussein and his two maniacal sons, Qusay and Uday, who used to feed people to lions and shoot at children for sport. Our allied forces quickly toppled Saddam’s government bringing freedom to the oppressed people in Iraq.

Israel also shall have total victory over the Palestinian terrorists real soon as they have proven by taking out Hammas leaders in just a few weeks time and severely crippling the military terrorist's forces of Hamas. We still have a long ways to go in the fight against Islamofacists and most certainly have a ways to go before we can see stability in the Middle East but getting rid of Saddam and his regime was a major victory. Yet, when you read the papers today, turn on the news, or listen to the radio all you hear are left wing communist and communist sympathizers ranting about how we should not have gone to war, how war is always evil and those that condone it are always bad and always wrong. Some say we did the right thing; others say we did not.

I thought I would take this opportunity to pose a Biblical answer to the question, “Is it biblical and right to fight if you are a Christian?”

The ones who oppose the war and say we should bring the troops home like that left-wing loudmouth Rosie O’Donnell who with all of her lesbionic fury,screams that this war was unjust because they found no Weapons Of Mass Destruction. Rosie and the left say President Bush and John Howard lied to the public and that Saddam had no Weapons Of Mass Destruction. Well O’Donnell and anyone wo has this opinion can stick it where the sun doesn’t shine because the Weapons Of Mass Destruction were found!

That’s right baby! I wonder why no one is bringing up the fact that Saddam’s first cousin, Deputy Dictator and second in command Ali Hassan al-Majid also known as “Chemical Ali” who got his nickname by supervising chemical attacks upon Kurdish civilians the regime accused of aiding Iranian forces during the last years of the Iran-Iraq war, unleashed poison gas where thousands of Kurds died, including 5,000 in a single cyanide attack on the border town of Halabja in March of 1988? If poison gas that kills thousands upon thousands of people is not considered Weapons Of Mass Destruction then I don’t know what is!

I reflect back to when the war was heating up. Saddam Hussein a man of pure evil, who had destroyed even his own people, and was holding his own country hostage. He had done this before you know. I remember in the Gulf War in 1991, that coward Saddam put little children on the front lines to keep the US forces from blasting him to hell where he belongs. It was called “Operation Desert Shield.” Before Allied forces invaded Iraq in 2003, Saddam was given every opportunity to come clean and comply with the agreement he signed way back in 1991. He refused. There was more then enough evidence to support the fact that Saddam, his two maniacs that he called his sons, and Cousin Chemical were torturing the citizens of Iraq, and also that he was playing host to Al Qaeda and other Islamic terrorists organizations.

To most of us, it was an easy decision. We have the power to do the right thing. We can rescue people that are held hostage and overthrow a maniacal dictator and make the world a safer place. And, we did so, even though it was an unpopular decision to many, even many whom we rescued who turned their backs on us and began terrorist attacks against our soldiers who are still in Iraq.

Israel also had a decision to make. They could set there and do nothing as the homocidal ricket launchers of Hamas kept killing Israeli citizens, or they could go in and beat the 'allah' out of Islamofacists. Israel did gave them a beating they will never forget.

I am a Christian. I love my Nation of the United States of America. I am proud of both the US Servicemen and Women and the Australian as well as British forces that sacrificed their lives when their countries needed them, to protect us so that we can try to avoid another 9/11 or Bali Bombing. I was so proud that America, Australia and Great Britain told the Unted Nations buzz off and that they didn't need their approval to whip Saddam's butt!

I think of all those who sacrificed much so we can enjoy our freedom today. I must look at others in different countries, without the freedoms we so take for granted, and say, “There but by the grace of God go I.” I am grateful and proud to be an American and a Christian. I also thank God that I am a Christian and not a Radical Muslim Extremist; that I have enough sense to place my faith in a risen Savior by the name of Jesus who is alive, instead of a bunch of rotting stinking bones of a child molester known as Mohammed who is dead in the ground.

I am proud of President George W. Bush, who stood strong for what was right, even when it seemed the entire world, and many of his own countrymen, were against him. He and his leadership stood up to the UN, France, Germany, Russia, and other cowardly nations favoring a strategy of hopeful appeasement, gathered those great heroic nations that would stand with us, like Australia, Great Britain, and Italy and made a commitment to do the “right” thing, instead of the “popular” thing.

Still, in spite of all this there remains those sniveling cowards like Rosie O’Donnell, Sean “Osama” Penn-Laden, George Clooney, Natalie Maine and her Dixie Chickie Poos, the subversive Green Party, and the liberal left all over the world who remain outspoken against the war and America's decision to free people that were held hostage. Some think we shouldn’t fight. They never see a reason to fight. Instead, they march through streets, give speeches in this country and others, wave their banners, and tout a political or leftist-liberal agenda against Israel's war against Hamas or war against the Islamofacists.

So, who is right? From what I have written so far, it is apparent which side I stand on. But, before I decide on a decision as important as this one, I am not so concerned as what another man says, but what God says. So, what does God say about war? In other words, is it biblical and right to fight if you are a Christian?

Wasn’t it Jesus that told his disciples to trade their cloaks for a sword? Luke 22:36Jesus said, “If you do not own a sword sell your cloak and buy one.” Those who opposed this war don’t understand that oftentimes peace only comes through the sword. In Matthew 10:34, Jesus said, “Think not that I come to send peace on earth; I came not to send peace but a sword.” These anti-Christians who oppose the war, or the 'Christian Left' know nothing about what Jesus was all about and certainly do not understand the importance of standing up for what is right.

The only reason Jesus told Peter to put away his sword when he chopped off the Roman soldier's ear was because Peter as interfering with what Jesus had to do at Calvary in order to save mankind, and Jesus had already rebuked Peter for trying to stop Him from going to the cross.

All other times it was required and permissible for Peter, and all other followers of Christ to carry a sword. They didn't have guns back then but I am sure that if they did Jesus would have required His followers to carry a gun instead of a sword, however the sword was the gun of that day and time. Note also that Jesus never once suggested that a soldier or centurion leave the army and even commended the Roman Centurion who asked Him to heel his servant for his great faith which is found in Luke 7!

Note that Peter has spent three years with Jesus and was carrying a sword when the soldiers came to take Jesus away. If it was wrong for Peter to be carrying a sword, don't you silly ninnies that say it is wrong think that Jesus would have told Peter not to carry one long before that night?

Didn’t God lead his people to move to war on nations that were anti-God? Didn’t God himself show victory time after time in war after war? Is not the end times dictated by “wars and rumors of wars"? Many that criticize anything they do not understand, such as war, also criticize the truth of the Bible, God’s Holy Word, because they do not understand it. However, if they only read the Word as if it were a history book, they would discover that throughout the history of mankind that wars and fighting have taken place quite often, and God encouraged and led many of these wars. Since God directed his people to fight in order to stand for righteousness, in order to defeat forces of evil, in order to defend their freedoms, in order to promote God as the only true God, and since God is always holy and always just, this in itself emphasizes that oftentimes it is not only right to fight, but God-ordained.

The Word of God tells husbands to love their wives just as God loved the church in Ephesians 5:25. Christ loved and protected the church. That is why He got the whip out after the moneychangers who tried to defile the temple. If you love someone, you will protect that person. A man would not be a man at all if he refused to protect his wife and kids from a home intruder that broke into his house in the middle of the night. I don’t care if there is a law that says you can’t. I say that the laws of God supercede the laws of man and we must obey God rather then men. That is what John and Peter told the authorities when they were ordered not to preach in the name of Jesus, in Acts 5:29 so it’s biblical. It is your duty to be a man and not a wimp.

John Wayne was a real man. He had a code that he lived by. He said, “I won’t be wronged, I won’t be insulted, and I won’t be laid a hand upon. I don’t do these things to other men and I expect the same respect out of them.” If one respected that code John Wayne was the best friend they could ever hope to meet, but if they violated his code then he would show them real quick that he would fight. He always won too!

Same here. I would like to think that I am one of the nicest guys around but if one makes the mistake of laying their hands on me I will prove to them I believe in fighting. As a former Professional Heavyweight Wrestling Champion, I was tested many times by those who thought wrestling was all “fake.” There was always some guy whether a fellow wrestler trying to make a name for himself or some bum in a barroom somewhere who thought he was better than me and wanted to impress his girlfriend by beating up “Johnny Angel.” I may not look like the toughest man on the planet or be as built as Triple H, John Bradshaw Layfield, or Batista, but let me tell you something Hoss; I have won the majority of fights I have ever been in and at my middle age, I promise you I am not about to start losing now. I say to my enemies, that I hope to try to show the love of Christ at all times, but if you can't respect that and decide to lay a hand upon me then I say “Try Me! I’ll make you famous!”

God often showed his strength when He had His people fight their enemies, and His victory over unrighteousness through war. If you’ve seen “The Passion of Christ” you have seen the “suffering servant” as talked about in Isaiah, where Jesus did nothing to defend himself as he took to the cross the full penalty for the sin of all mankind, then and forever. Jesus didn’t back down or refuse to fight; his death and resurrection WAS his fight over sin, and He won! Jesus gave Satan a butt kickin’ like y’all wouldn’t believe and in doing so gave you and I a way to be saved from eternal damnation through His sacrifice and victory over death and sin. It was a war only Jesus could fight and win and He did. Jesus was no wimp. He endured the most suffering and pain that anyone could possibly imagine in their mind. He faced it, endured it, and conquered it.

Jesus began His ministry with violence and ended it that way too. John 2:13-16, Mark 11:15-18, Luke 19:45-46, and Matthew 21:12 proves He was not afraid to fight. He found the moneychangers in the temple and took a whip and beat them out of it on two separate occasions. Now to hear some of these sissified preachers preach it, they say Jesus overturned a couple of tables and just showed them a whip but would not have used it. Oh Bull! If you believe that then you probably believe that Bill Clinton never had sex with Monica Lewinsky either!

Jesus made a whip and drove them out of the temple. If you look up “to drive out” you will find that it meant that shepherds and cattle watchers used to put a whip to the herds and drive them out of the area they were in. I could not imagine an entire group of men running away just because someone showed them a whip. Only a certified idiot would believe that Jesus just stood there and threw over a table and said, “If you boys don’t stop it I may have to hit you with this!” That would scare no one!

However I can see those buyers and sellers running for their lives with Jesus putting the whip to their sorry hides, which is exactly what He did! If just speaking and threatening would have gotten the job done Jesus would not have wasted his time to go to all the trouble to make a whip, like the Bible says! I would suggest that you pacifist prissy pansies put that in your pipes and smoke it, but I think you are smoking way to much strange stuff already which is probably why you think like you do!

Nothing offends me more then that so-called painting of Jesus that some churches hang up that shows Him with rosy red cheeks and looking all-effeminate with a limp wrist holding and petting a little lamb. I do not know whose savior that is but he is not my savior. My savior is Jesus the toughest hombre you could imagine.

I believe Jesus was a lot like John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, and Ronald Reagan all rolled into one. He worked as a carpenter and those guys were rugged in those days because they built everything. The moneychangers would not have ran from Him when He cleared the temple if He would have looked like some “light in the loafers” fruitcake. There was no way Jesus could have endured the pain He did during His crucifixion had He been a sissy boy. Just go watch Mel Gibson’s “Passion” and you will get a good idea of the kind of pain I am talking about. Jesus not only endured it but he defeated it and overcame every beating they threw at Him. He triumphed over death, which is something a wimp could not do.

So, is it right for a Christian to fight? It doesn’t matter to me what a presidential candidate or politician says. It doesn’t matter to me which group is shouting the loudest, whether it is the Green Party Hippies, Democrats, Jane Fonda, Rosie O'Donnell, or left wing liberal ninnies on the Christian left. What matters to me is what God says!

If I can paraphrase the entirety of the Word of God this way, please allow me.

It is right for a Christian to fight if the cause is righteous.

If we are defending the little good remaining of mankind against the overcoming evil of man, then it is right to fight.

If we are defending those who cannot defend themselves against forces of evil, it is right to fight.You would be less then human and a lower then monkey excrement if you witnessed an old man or an old woman of 80 getting mugged and beaten by some thug and you refused to get involved and fight the creep. If we are defending our precious liberties of equality, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness by a Godly people, then it is right to fight.

If we are siding with holiness, righteousness, and doing the “right thing”, then it is right to fight if necessary.

You should teach your child not to go looking for trouble but to not take anything off of a bully at school either. If you teach your kid that he should not defend himself under any circumstances then you should also expect your kid to give up his lunch money to the bully everyday, be picked on and made fun of by all the other kids in school, and if he does not commit suicide, then look for him to start wearing dresses and enter into a same sex marriage! And if he does it will be your entire fault by not teaching him to be a man instead of how you taught him to be a sissy coward. You will have no one to blame but yourself.

I remember I saw a girl being picked on once by some bullies and they learned real quickly that there are those who are not afraid to fight that will come to the defense of those who cannot defend themselves. When I got done with them, they never did it to her again!

Teach your child to always defend those who cannot defend themselves and that fighting should always be avoided if possible, but sometimes you have to fight when you are a man.

What if the peaceniks would have had their way back in 1941 and kept us out of World War Two? Tojo Yamamoto and the Japanese Imperial Army would have crushed the United States. Hitler would have ruled Germany and probably the world and there would be no Jews left on earth after the murderous Nazi’s got done with them. Those peaceniks, those wimpy fake Christians, and war protesters that oppose war, would probably feel different I am sure, if their own grandparents or parents were being marched off to be brutalized at Buchenwald Concentration Camp by Karl and Ilse Koch who made lampshades out of the skins of Jews she killed, or sent to Auschwitz to have torturous murderous experiments performed on them by Dr. Joseph Mengele, Nazi Death Camp Doctor, or if someone they loved dearly would have been used for target practice or lion food by Saddam’s killer sons, Uday and Qusay.

Ted Kennedy, Rosie O’Donnell and Sean Penn would not believe that war is ever right, even in the case of Hitler, or they would not have opposed the war against Saddam’s Iraq.

If the alternative is to sit idly by and let the anti-God leftists liberals continue to take away from us our freedoms; to continue to murder innocent babies; to continue to promote same sex marriage;to continue to tell us that what God says doesn’t matter and that what man says does matter, then by all means let’s arm ourselves and get up and fight! How much longer shall we sit back and be pacifists when it comes to these freaks that oppose the war between Israel and the terrorists, or the war against Islamofacists all over the world? Anyone who opposes the war Israel is fighting; and anyone who opposed the removal of Saddam Insane from Iraq; and anyone who opposes the war against Radical Islam, is not a Christian but is anti-God, and might as well join Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda.

God, for the generations of this world, led his people to fight and overcome the evil of their day. Jesus, fought for the eternal salvation of our souls. Both won. If we fight for the religious and civil liberties that are backed by God in his Holy Word (the only truth we will ever know), then we are fighting the good fight, and it is justified. In this case, absolutely, it is right to fight. God fought and won. If we stay focused on God, we will also.

We recognize that there are those out there that would deny us our rights as Americans, Australians, Israelis, Italians, and as Christians. Let’s fight for what is right. Sometimes, this fight involves men and women with guns and weapons. Sometimes, this fight takes place at the polls. Sometimes it takes place in the courtrooms. Sometimes, this fight involves the outspokenness of you and me, touting the burdens that God put in our hearts to defend what is right.

Let’s stand a bit taller as Americans, Australians, Israelis,Italians and Christians in general! Let’s protect our freedoms. Let’s say the “pledge of allegiance” with pride and not leave out the part that says, “One Nation Under God.” Let’s put up the Ten Commandments in the courthouses. Let’s show honor to God by having our children pray in the name of Jesus in each and every public school in America as well as Australia. Let’s clean up the TV and replace CNN with Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly! Let’s sing “God Bless America” or “I Come From The Land Down Under” more loudly. Let’s fight for the unborn babies that cannot defend themselves. Let’s fight for the protection of the beauty of a Godly marriage between a man and a woman. Let’s fight for those downtrodden that are being taken advantage of. Let’s proclaim our religious liberty and pride in our God-given freedoms louder than those who spit on the same of Jesus. Let’s recognize that “it is right to fight when the fight is right.” Don’t be afraid to kick a little butt if it does become nessessary like when someone get out of line! In doing so, you might just straighten him out and set him on the path to righteousness sake!

We, my Christian brothers and sisters, in an evil day when anything anti-God seems popular, must recognize that it is not only “biblical and right to fight for what is right”, but that this is something we are obligated to do. God will bless you for it too! That my friend, is a promise!

"Shall your brethren go to war while you just sit here?" Numbers 32:6

No part of this article may be redistributed or posted without the written consent of Johnny Lee Clary International

© 2009 Johnny Lee Clary

All Rights Reserved

Friday, January 30, 2009

To Hell With The Cross-Removers!

PhotobucketRev. Johnny Lee Clary is one of the leading advocates for racial unity in the United States and has appeared on countless television and radio shows such as The Billy Graham Radio show, Fox News, Morris Cerullo, Oprah, Morton Downey Jr., Rolanda Watts, Geraldo, Sally Jesse Raphael, Jerry Springer, Ricki Lake, Queen Latifah, Montel Williams, Phil Donahue, A&E Investigative Reports, ABC World News Tonight, Bertrice Berry, The Today Show, A Current Affair, The 700 Club, and Kenneth Copeland's TV show. He has also been a regular guest on TBN's Praise The Lord show and has been featured in America's top newspapers and magazines, including a seven page feature story in Charisma magazine in April 1999, Moody Magazine, Guidepost Magazine (Sept. 1998), Kenneth Copeland's Believer's Voice of Victory magazine, as well as appearances on TV programs in Australia, England, Holland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, and Wales.

I have noticed a trend that is happening in churches today, and that is the removal of the cross. Many churches have decided not to display the cross because it offends people and makes the sinner feel like he is in a "religious" atmosphere. They feel it is more important to make the person who never attends church to be as comfortable as possible and by removing the cross they are making the unchurched feel like they are in a less threatening atmosphere. Therefore according to the cross-removers, they stand a better chance of winning them over.

Winning them over to what? Certainly not Jesus, because Jesus said if one is ashamed of Him before mankind, then He will also be ashamed of them before His Father in Heaven. What cross-removers are doing is saying that it is more important not to offend some sinner than to show that they are not ashamed of the cross and what Jesus did for them at Calvary. Since when do we of the Body of Christ, have to become "politically correct" and restructure what the church is all about in order not to offend someone who could care less about the worship of Christ?

One pastor said he removed the cross from his church because they got over being "religious" a long time ago. Displaying the cross has nothing to do about religion and everything to with Christ. The truth of the matter is "churches" who refuse to display the cross do not love Jesus. The are running social organizations instead of churches and have ulterior motives.

What is their true motive for being a cross-remover? I will tell you what it is. It is money and power. You see, the more people they get in their church the more potential tithers and givers they will have. The bigger the church the more power they will get. You see if they were truly concerned for the person's soul and not money and power, then they would NOT be ashamed of the cross and realize that it is all about Jesus and not about who can have the biggest church and the most money.

Yes, God wants us to prosper and He is the richest of all rich and has all the gold and all the silver as it is written in Haggai 2:8 and Psalms 50:10-12 says He owns all the world's wealth. As His sons and daughters, we get to share in His great wealth as long as our motives are using it to advance the kingdom. It is not advancing the Kingdom of Christ when we show shame over the cross because we might offend someone, so we become cross-removers.

Mark 8:34-38 (NAS) And He summoned the multitude with His disciples, and said to them, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life shall lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel's shall save it. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul? For what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels."

The world expects us to be different, and if they come into the church and do not see a difference between church life and worldly life, then they will think why should they bother with any lifestyle changes?

Oh yes, the cross-removers just might build their churches but it will be one of quantity and not quality. In other words a country club and not a church. I would like to see the explanation the cross-removers give Jesus when they stand before Him on Judgement Day. Jesus will ask them why they felt what He did for them on the cross was not important enough to display the cross as a symbol of respect and worship and they will say, "Well Jesus I didn't want to offend the unchurched by making them feel they were in a "religious" atmosphere." Jesus will then say depart from me you workers of iniquity for I never knew you. Since you were ashamed of me before mankind, I am also ashamed of you before my Father in Heaven."

You see, if you truly are a Christian and truly love Jesus, then you will not be ashamed of Christ in any capacity and that includes the cross, my friend. We live in a time where the governments of the various nations tell us we can't display the Ten Commandments in public, pray in public, display the name of Jesus in public or declare that Jesus is Lord publicly because it might offend some Muslim, Buddhist, or atheist. Are you going to be so cowardly as to let the "politically correct" crowd dictate to you what the church may say, do, or display, or are you going to be a real man or woman of God and say "I am not ashamed to display the cross, because it is showing that I respect and appreciate what Jesus did for me and that my church is one who worships Jesus regardless of what the world and unsaved say. Jesus is my King and as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!

Think about it!

This may sound harsh in what I am about to say in my next statement but I do not screw around. I tell it like it is baby.

Jesus carried the cross for us, but cross-removers are refusing to carry the cross for Him!

Phil 2:8 (NIV) And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death--even death on a cross!

Luke 9:23 (KJV) And he said to them all, "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me."
The bottom line is stop being ashamed of the cross and Jesus or you won't get to Heaven! Say no to cross removal and yes to cross displaying, if you really love Jesus! Stop being a user friendly or seeker friendly church and be proud to be a no compromise Jesus church!

And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose ye this day whom ye will serve...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. (Joshua 24:15)

Therefore, to HELL with cross removers because that is exactly where the are going.

Friday, January 23, 2009

To Those Who Criticize Me

To Those Who Criticize Me

by Rev. Johnny Lee Clary

Lately, I have been running into more than my usual amount of people who have been criticizing my style of ministering, my politics, my friends, as well as me in general. Most of the "criticism" comes from the internet. Have you ever had that happen to you? Of course you have if you are a fellow minister who is actually doing something for the Kingdom of Christ!

I sometimes allow this to upset me, as I am only human, but when that happens I have to take a deep breath and stop and think that it is Jesus who I am here to please and not these people. Besides that, I also realize that most of those who are posting do-do ( that's crap in case you didn't know) about me in blogs are guys and girls that would never have enough intestinal fortitude to come say anything to my face. I don't believe I should really be concerned about what some guy sitting in his underwear in his mother's basement, or some large unattractive girl in her trailer park eating chocolate bars while hacking away on their computers, actually thinks of me. ( I am using sarcasm to drive my point home. I have nothing against large people in trailer parks as long as they are jolly and nice to people like they are supposed to be.)

What bothers me though is when people who are actually ministers put me down. I had a woman that is the wife of a pastor of a large church, recently call me a racist, a prejudice person, a bigot, unlearned in the Bible and a dangerous person simply because she disagreed with my politics. She called me a right wing dangerous extremist that is harming the body of Christ. She posted it in blogs.

Now I shouldn't give a rat's behind about what she actually thought because not everyone is going to like me, but what was disturbing was she has followers who look up to her and are jockeying for position in her husband's church so they all fell right in behind her and started posting garbage on the blogs too.

The truth was this pastor's wife left me no choice but to draw the conclusion that she is Pro-Obama, Pro-Hamas, Anti-Israel, Pro-Gay, and a left wing liberal, by the comments she was making. She also bragged about going to the pub and drinking beer and getting tattoos, inviting others to join her. She put down major denominations calling them "religious" and twisted the Word of God around to fit her purpose.

This disturbed me greatly, because even though I tried to talk to the woman, to see if we could end the strife, and I even apologized if I had offended her, she dismissed me, ridiculed me and called me names.

People who knew her personally though, wrote to me and told me they were no longer in her church because she displayed that attitude with others. That made me understand the situation a little better. In my own opinion, anyone who conducts themselves in this manner that calls themselves a Christian has mental issues, as what pastor's wife would ever advocate going to bars, drinking beer and getting tattoos? I am not trying to sound judgmental but there are certain standards that ministers and their wives have to meet and I don't believe getting tattoos and drinking beer in the bars are among them.

We are called to set examples for other believers therefore we are held to a higher standard as ministers.

I believe ministers should build holy temples to worship God in and not country clubs where sin abounds and holiness left town.

Sometimes, people are not going to like you, and especially if they see your ministry as equal to or perhaps a little more prominent than theirs, or different than theirs, so they will resort to putting you down in order to make themselves look good and advance their own agenda by trying to stop yours.

A couple of years ago, a pastor who I thought was a friend of mine said he got two phone calls from a couple of guys that he knew that are ministers that had went to hear one of my sermons a few weeks earlier. They called the pastor and told him that my testimony was 'OK,' but that he should not let me preach because I can't preach. They suggested to him that he tell me to get some discipleship as I appeared to be a baby in Christ that didn't even know the word of God.

I was disturbed by this especially because I had preached for this pastor a few times. I couldn't understand why this pastor was bringing it up with concern.

I stopped being all that concerned when I spoke with a friend a few days later who said to me that he was upset that I allowed this kind of nonsense to bother me. He pointed out to me that I am preaching in the largest churches in Australia, as well as the USA and other nations, and getting more people saved than these guys have ever did in their entire careers as ministers. He pointed out to me that when they could match my record then they could talk. He also pointed out to me that the churches are calling for me to come to minister to their congregations and not them. I understood a lot better then. These remarks were apparently out of jealousy and nothing more.

In the case with the pastor's wife who blogged about me, she had nothing to be jealous about, so why did she hate me so much? The truth is not everyone is going to like you on this earth or believe like you do.

I seriously do not have ill-will towards this woman, but from the remarks she made to me, I really have no choice but to draw conclusions that this woman is a left wing liberal that helps to run a "Seeker Friendly" type of church. If I am correct in my conclusions, then no wonder she can't stand me because I do not compromise the Word of God or my convictions. Seeker friendly churches replace the unadulterated word of God with a watered down version of the "gospel" designed not to convict people of sin, but to just help build large churches. They create their own 'gospels' of "gentle Jesus meek and mild" in order to build the largest church in town.

What good does it do to have a huge church if most people are not even saved? I would rather have a small church where the true gospel was preached instead of a large one where it was not.

Have you ever had people criticize you? Of course you have! Most of them have received positions of power or are trying to get bigger positions and they think it will make themselves look good in the eyes of their superiors if they can put someone like me in "their place" as so to speak.

I could have gotten mad when I was told by the pastor of that church that he had to believe his "men" that told him I was a baby that couldn't preach because he trained them up personally. I didn't though. Instead, I just smiled and said, "Sorry you feel that way," and went on about my business.

It would have done no good to argue with him. Not that I am above receiving constructive criticism, or advice, however, I prefer to receive it from those who God has placed in authority over me or people I know, trust, and respect.

I do not wish to receive it from some guy or gal I never met before or someone who does not know me well personally who thinks he or she has a mandate or calling to come set me straight on things he or she disapproves of.

"For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men." (1 Peter 2:15)

Also I think Proverbs 26:4 applies in these types of situations. "Answer not a fool according to his folly lest you also be like him."

I think the best way to handle your critics is to just keep on keeping on! In other words, just keep preaching and doing what God has called you to do. You can't go wrong that way.

Whenever possible, just ignore those who criticize you. Nine out of ten times, they already have made up their minds about you and are prejudice towards you, and you are not going to change their minds by putting them in their place.

They will just hate you more.

Remember, most of them are either sick with jealousy and envy or indoctrinated with left wing liberal theology and that is why you need to pray for them that much more. God is able to change them, so pray for your enemies!

You see, God works through people. We all know that. However, I think we seem to forget that Satan also works through people. If you never run head on into the Devil then you are probably traveling the same direction he is.

If people are not criticizing, slandering, and gossiping about you, then you are no threat to the Devil or his followers, who are masquerading as "religious Christians." The Devil is only going to attack those who he sees as a threat.

If you are casting out devils, praying for the sick to be healed, teaching the Word of God and leading people to Christ, then you are going to be attacked! That's a fact.

Matthew 5:11-12 :

Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

The Devil wants you to give up so you will not help advance the kingdom of God. If he can get you all upset at people the Devil is using to criticize you, you will lose focus on what you are called to do, will fail at your task God has given you, and the Devil gains a victory.

If you ignore them, and go about God's business, you will be glad you did. If they continue to assault you, prove them wrong by winning souls and preaching the Word, and they will have no choice but to shut up because if they do not then they end up looking like bigger fools than what they already are.

In the end, you will still be preaching and doing God's will by winning souls into the kingdom while your critics have long since been banished to the old folks home twiddling their thumbs, weaving baskets, and griping about how they never had a chance to be used by God while still criticizing you!

"Feel free to pass this around. I am sure there are some people who could use this!"

Monday, January 19, 2009

You Will Reap What You Have Sown

You Will Reap What You Have Sown

By Rev. Johnny Lee Clary

Rev. Johnny Lee Clary is one of the leading advocates for racial unity in the United States and has appeared on countless television and radio shows such as The Billy Graham Radio show, Fox News, Morris Cerullo, Oprah, Morton Downey Jr., Rolanda Watts, Geraldo, Sally Jesse Raphael, Jerry Springer, Ricki Lake, Queen Latifah, Montel Williams, Phil Donahue, A&E Investigative Reports, ABC World News Tonight, Bertrice Berry, The Today Show, A Current Affair, The 700 Club, and Kenneth Copeland's TV show. He has also been a regular guest on TBN's Praise The Lord show and has been featured in America's top newspapers and magazines, including a seven page feature story in Charisma magazine in April 1999, Moody Magazine, Guidepost Magazine (Sept. 1998), Kenneth Copeland's Believer's Voice of Victory magazine, as well as appearances on TV programs in Australia, England, Holland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, and Wales.

"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." (Galatians 6:7 KJV)

Have you ever heard of a farmer planting seeds of corn but harvesting watermelons where he planted the corn seeds? I haven’t either. The law of planting and harvesting dictates that you will harvest according to the kind of seeds that you plant. The same goes for God’s law. If you plant seeds of love, kindness, and encouragement, you will reap the harvest of love, kindness and encouragement. However if you plant seeds of hate, meanness, and discouragement, that is what you will reap for yourself.

We have one life to live while on this earth, and we need to make the best of it. I have always viewed our life here in earth as sort of a place of preparation for our eternal home in heaven. We have only a few short years here on earth, to prepare to live for eternity. The few short years we have on earth are like seconds compared to the time length of eternity which is endless. The Bible says "And there will be NO MORE death or sorrow or crying or pain. For the old world and its evils are gone forever." Rev. 21:3-4

So in other words, whatever evil is here on earth, will not be in heaven. Therefore if one has evil in their life, they best get rid of it while here on earth because if they die with it, they can’t enter into heaven.

Take the story of Vincent “Mad Dog” Coll. He was a famous gangster of the 1920’s and 30’s and was perhaps one of the most viscous gangsters that ever lived. He was an enforcer for gangster Dutch Shultz until he crossed Shultz and launched out on his own, taking murder contracts from other mob leaders. Shultz, whose real name was Arthur Flegenheimer ran a section of New York City, specializing in bootlegging and the numbers racket where he made a fortune. Coll was paid as were the other mobsters who worked for Shultz on a flat salary rate instead of the customary percentage of the take from any operations in which they wAdd Imageere involved. Coll told Shultz that he wanted in as a full partner but Shultz told him "I don't take in nobody as partners with me. You're an ambitious punk, but you take a salary or nothing. Take it or leave it." Coll replied "Okay I'm leaving it." Coll then formed his own gang. In addition to this, Coll had been arrested and Shultz personally paid the bond money to bail him out. Coll failed to show up for court and Shultz had to forfeit the bail money. Shultz wanted Coll to pay him back the money he lost, and Coll refused and an all out shooting war between the Shultz and Coll gangs escalated.

On July 28, 1931, Coll tried to kidnap one of Shultz’s men to hold him for ransom. This resulted in a deadly shootout in which Coll killed a 5 year old child named Michael Vengali, and seriously wounded several other little kids. The mayor of New York City Jimmy Walker, called Coll, “Mad Dog,” which Shultz readily agreed. The entire city launched a manhunt for this homicidal killer.

Vinnie “Mad Dog” Coll

Coll made a huge mistake when he accepted a murder contract from Godfather Salvatore Maranzano, New York City’s Boss of Bosses, who hired him to kill rival mob boss Charlie “Lucky” Luciano. Luciano had previously helped Maranzano win the infamous Castellammarese War in New York and gain control of organized crime by rubbing out Joe “The Boss” Masseria. Maranzano knew Luciano had a huge following and wanted control of the crime families.

Charlie “Lucky” Luciano

Maranzano paid Coll $25,000 in advance and agreed to pay $25,000 more on completion of the job. On September 10, 1931, Maranzano invited Luciano to visit his office. The plan was that Coll would turn up and kill Luciano. However, Luciano had received a tip-off about this plan so he arrived with a squad of his own hit men which included the boss of the mob’s Murder, Inc., Ben “Bugsy” Siegel who stabbed and shot Maranzano to death, and threw him out a window. Coll finally arrived to kill Luciano, only to find Maranzano dead and come face to face with Bugsy Siegel and Luciano, who chased Coll as they shot back and forth at each other, unsuccessfully hitting their intended targets. Coll escaped within an inch of his life.

Ben “Bugsy” Siegel

To the surprise of everyone, Coll showed up in court to fight the murder charges of the killing of the 5 year old boy and the wounding of the other kids. He had hired famous defense lawyer Samuel Leibowitz to defend him. Leibowitz destroyed the credibility of the prosecution's main witness, George Brecht, exposing him as a man who made a covert living as a witness at trials. In December 1931, Coll was acquitted, much to the dismay of people who wanted the Mad Dog to pay for killing that little boy.

Mad Dog Coll smiles as he leaves the courthouse after being acquitted in the “Harlem Baby Murders”

Hell’s Kitchen Irish Mob boss Owney “The Killer” Madden, who was a boxing promoter and owner of the famous “Cotton Club” of New York City, decided that Coll was not going to get away with this. Coll had also been extorting other mobsters and was trying to muscle in on Madden’s territory. Madden placed a $50,000 bounty on Coll's head. Two hit men, Leonard Scarnici and Anthony Fabrizzo, accepted Madden's bounty and went after Coll.

On February 1, 1932, both Scarnici and Fabrizzo busted into a Bronx apartment they thought Coll was at. The hit men burst in with their tommy guns chattering away spraying bullets everywhere. Three people were killed and three others were wounded. Mad Dog Coll didn’t show up until 30 minutes after the shooting had ended. Dutch Shultz then got involved and sent Abe “Bo” Weinberg along with Madden’s hit men to help them identify Coll so there would be no more mistaken identities. Weinberg was also assigned to help drive the getaway car. One week later after the slaughter in the Bronx, at 12:30 a.m. on February 8, the hit men found Vincent “Mad Dog Coll” in a phone booth in the London Chemists drug store at Eighth Avenue and 23rd Street in New York City, who was on the phone with none other than Owney Madden who was keeping him on the line until the call could be traced by police who were on Madden’s payroll.

Owney “The Killer” Madden

The limo pulled up in front of the drug store and Bo Weinberg waited behind the wheel. Scarnici and Fabrizzo stepped out. One of them waited outside and the other walked inside. After telling the cashier to "Keep cool, now", the killer withdrew a Thompson submachine gun from under his overcoat and went back to the phone booth where Coll was. The triggerman opened fire, spraying the phone booth with the tommy gun, raking up one side of the glass booth and down the other. Coll’s body shook violently back and forth from the impact of the bullets and then slumped over dead. The morgue attendant dug fifteen machine gun bullets out of Coll’s body, but said many others passed clean through him. Cops pulled up just seconds after Coll was killed and gave chase to the killers, but they were able to elude the police and got away.

Coll’s killers also met their fate in a violent way. On November 20, 1932, Anthony Fabrizzo met his end at the gun of none other than Bugsy Siegel during a clumsy attempt at trying to whack Siegel. On June 27, 1935 Leonard Scarnici was electrocuted at Sing Sing Prison for the murder of a detective. Before his execution, Scarnici confessed to a total of fourteen murders, including that of Vincent Coll. Bo Weinberg vanished without a trace on September 9, 1935, presumably killed by Dutch Schultz for conspiring against him with Lucky Luciano. Weinberg’s body was never found.

Schultz sent a wreath to Coll's funeral bearing a banner with the message, "From the boys." Dutch would continue to operate his rackets for several more years. However, on October 23, 1935, Schultz was killed at the Palace Chophouse in Newark, New Jersey on orders from the new National Crime Syndicate, headed by Charlie Luciano.

Dutch Shultz moments after being gunned down at restaurant.

In 1935, Owney Madden, still under police scrutiny for the Coll killing, moved to Arkansas and died in 1965.

Believe it or not, Mad Dog Coll had married right after his trial for the ‘Harlem Baby Murders” as it had become known. Lottie Kreisberger-Coll came screaming to the scene, hissing and spitting and cursing. "Dirty rats, dirty rats," she moaned as cops held her back from the shot-up remains of the only man who had ever been decent to her. She and her husband had been on the very eve of their honeymoon trip, she sobbed. They were going to go to Ireland. Mrs. Mad Dog was a serial bigamist and murderess in her own right – and the only woman Vinnie ever loved. Lottie herself went down for a drive-by where, as usual, the wrong target was hit a mere two years after Vinnie had been rubbed out, served her time and disappeared.

Mrs. Mad Dog, Lottie Kreisberger-Coll

So you see boys and girls, whatever we deal out to others while on this earth, it will come back to us. If you sow wheat, you will reap wheat. If you sow corn, you will reap corn. If you raise cattle, you will reap cattle. If you breed pigs, you will reap pigs. This is the law of reaping and sowing. Pigs do not breed chickens, nor does corn bring forth potatoes. Sow hate and you will reap hate. Sow death like Mad Dog Coll did, and you will reap death. However, sow love like Jesus Christ did and you will reap love. John 3:16 says God sowed the seed of love by giving His only Son that whosever would believe in Him would not perish but have life forever. God sowed the seed and look at the uncountable souls he got back in return!

Think of the love you will get back if you sow the seeds of love!


Johnny Lee Clary

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

You Better Get Saved Right Now!

You Better Get Saved Right Now!....

By Rev. Johnny Lee Clary....

...... Rev. Johnny Lee Clary is one of the leading advocates for racial unity in the United States and has appeared on countless television and radio shows such as The Billy Graham Radio show, Fox News,Morris Cerullo, Oprah, Morton Downey Jr., Rolanda Watts, Geraldo, Sally Jesse Raphael, Jerry Springer, Ricki Lake, Queen Latifah, Montel Williams, Phil Donahue, A&E Investigative Reports, ABC World News Tonight, Bertrice Berry,The Today Show, A Current Affair, The 700 Club, and Kenneth Copeland's TV show.He has also been a regular guest on TBN's Praise The Lord show and has been featured in America's top newspapers and magazines, including a seven page feature story in Charisma magazine in April 1999, Moody Magazine, Guidepost Magazine (Sept. 1998), Kenneth Copeland's Believer's Voice of Victory magazine,as well as appearances on TV programs in Australia, England, Holland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, and Wales.


As an evangelist, I cannot count how many times I have heard someone say that they believe in God, they believe in Jesus, and they know they need to give their life to Him in order to be saved, but now just isn’t the time. They always say they will do it later. Many people say they have a lot of ‘living it up’ that they still need to get out of their system, and then they will get saved. They say they do not want to be a hypocrite and when they do get saved then they will give up the party life, sex, drugs, etc.; but until they are ready to do so they will not get saved. Why do they have this philosophy? A lot of it is taught by religious man-made doctrines. They teach that in order to be saved, you have to quit this or stop that and then one can be saved. The trouble is that type of teaching is wrong. Jesus accepts people just as they are. You have to clean the fish before you eat them but in order to clean them, you must first catch them. These religious doctrines are trying to clean the fish before catching them, and in the words of Bill Clinton, “That dog ain’t gonna hunt!” Many churches that teach that type of philosophy, are being hypocritical because they stand and sing the song “Just As I Am, Oh Lamb of God I Come,” while giving an invitation to the altar. That song implies and correctly so, that Jesus accepts you just as you are, when you come to Him; so for a church to teach that you have to give up this or quit that, before you can come to Jesus is just plain wrong. ....

I have had people say they won’t come to Jesus until they stop smoking. I quickly tell them that is lame to think that way. There are no scriptures that say smoking will send one to Hell. Smoking might make you smell like you have been to Hell but it does not send you there. Many well known Christians, and even evangelists and preachers smoked throughout time, especially back in the 1800’s. No I am not justifying smoking, as I think it is a filthy habit and I don’t like to be around it, but I certainly do not believe that one is disqualified either from salvation or serving God because of it. The same goes for those who take a little nip of wine or go play the slot machines. Some of the churches have been so wrapped up in playing ‘church cop’ and checking to see if someone is smoking, gambling or drinking; that they forget about the real sins that do keep one out of Heaven, such as gossip, judging, backbiting and bearing false witness. Those sins if left un-repented will defiantly buy one a ticket on the “Hell bound Train,” whereas I can find no scriptures that say that one will go to Hell for smoking, drinking or gambling. ....

In order to be saved, one must repent, which means not only saying they are sorry for their sins, but that they want to turn from their sins as well. We ask Jesus to forgive us and He will. He comes to live in our hearts when we give our lives to Him. Some people think salvation is so cheap that they mistakenly think they only have to say, ‘I give my heart to Jesus,” but they don’t have to be sorry for their sins. ....

Case in point was the perverted porno magazine smut publisher Larry Flynt. He claimed to have been ‘born again’ back in the late 1970’s when then President Jimmy Carter’s evangelist sister, Ruth Carter-Stapleton, supposedly led Flynt to Christ. Flynt might have told the world that he was saved, but he continued to peddle smut and had whores working for him. Not only did he corrupt the minds of people by publishing sex magazines and putting filthy whores out in the business word selling their bodies to the public; but he made a mockery of Christianity by appearing on Christian TV shows and networks, selling his smut and using the Lord to do it! The late Rev. Jerry Falwell, sued Flynt when he published a disgusting ad in Hustler magazine with a photo of Falwell supposedly endorsing whiskey and saying that he got drunk while having sex with his mama in the outhouse! Falwell won the suit and was awarded $150,000.00 in damages, only to have Flynt appeal it to a higher court and win because the court ruled that First Amendment free-speech prohibits awarding damages to public figures to compensate for emotional distress intentionally inflicted upon them. Thus, Hustler magazine's parody of Jerry Falwell was deemed to be within the law, leading to a reversal of the jury verdict in favor of Falwell. ....

Flynt became an atheist and renounced his so-called ‘Christian conversion’ after the Ku Klux Klan shot him and his lawyer as they were leaving a courthouse. (Many feel that the KKK was justified, including some law enforcement which is why to this day, in spite of a confession by Klansman Joseph Paul Franklin that he did the shooting in 1978, no charges have ever been filed.) Flynt’s lawyer recovered but Flynt was paralyzed from the waist down. He claimed that there was no God and if God really existed then he wouldn’t have been left paralyzed so he became an atheist. He became a dope addict and even disowned his daughter when she became born again and began a crusade against pornography and prostitution. She later revealed that Flynt is a child molester, molesting her when she was a little girl. That is not surprising given the fact that people in the sex industry have no morals and wouldn’t think twice about molesting a child. Flynt was never born again or he would have been sorry for the smut he continued to publish and the whores he continued to pimp out after he received his so-called salvation. If he was born again then he never bothered to study the Word of God. ....

When one is living a sinful immoral lifestyle, they can still receive salvation, but if they are really born again they will make every effort to change after they receive Christ. How long will that take? Well only God and the person knows that for sure. God is patient but he isn’t blind. He knows the person’s heart and He knows what their true intentions are. That is what the Holy Spirit is for. The Holy Spirit leads us to conviction to let us know right from wrong. God works with each individual in His own way and timing. When one becomes born again they need to renew their minds in God’s word and that is when they will begin to feel the need to change some things and give some things up that they feel comes in conflict with God’s way. That is why it is wrong to expect someone to give up anything before coming to Christ to receive the gift of salvation, because they can’t receive the Holy Spirit until after they receive salvation.....

Many that say they will put off getting saved until later are taking a risky chance. Salvation should never be taken for granted. How do you know you will have the opportunity to get saved right before you die? You may say, “Well I know of people who received Christ on their deathbed after living a sinful life of debauchery.” While that may be the case with them, there are no guarantees that will be the case with you. You could die in a split second and never have the time to repent and get things right with God. Case in point, on September 11th, 2001 when the Muslim terrorists hijacked the airplanes, over three thousand people were murdered that day. Many of them died the second the planes exploded into the WTC buildings. They were not given time to say a prayer or to repent or anything. It just happened. Boom! They were gone. How many people take the days God gives them here on earth for granted? I know for sure that anyone who says they will get saved someday but not now, are certainly not only taking their lives for granted but they are taking God for granted also. We should want to turn away from sin when we realize that without God we would not be alive and that we need Jesus and His free gift of salvation in order to have eternal life. Mohammed, Buddha, or Larry Flynt will not get you into heaven. You can’t go to heaven unless you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior. God does not send you to Hell; you send yourself there if you die without having received Christ as your savior. Jesus made a way for you to get to Heaven and it is your choice whether or not to chose that path. You need to make that choice right now while you still can. If you think you will have plenty of time left here in earth, and will have time to say the prayer before you die, then you had better be right! ....

"Man is like a breath; his days are like a fleeting shadow" (Psalm 144:4). Jesus once told about a rich successful man, who decided he'd live the rest of his days in luxury, being shiftless and lazy. However that very night his life came to a tragic end as he was not prepared to meet God. Luke 12:16 "A rich man had land that produced good crops. 17 He thought, 'What should I do? I don't have enough room to store my crops.' 18 He said, 'I know what I'll do. I'll tear down my barns and build bigger ones so that I can store all my grain and goods in them. 19 Then I'll say to myself, "You've stored up a lot of good things for years to come. Take life easy, eat, drink, and enjoy yourself."' 20 "But God said to him, 'You fool! I will demand your life from you tonight! Now who will get what you've accumulated?' 21 That's how it is when a person has material riches but is not rich in his relationship with God." Don't let this happen to you! ....

You need to keep in mind also that the more times you reject the call to salvation, and keep putting Jesus off, the easier it becomes to say no to Christ. Eventually your heart becomes hardened and you will no longer feel the knock of Jesus upon your heart’s door. It like the first time a person cheats on their spouse; they feel conviction and know they did wrong. If they have any feelings for their spouse they will feel terrible about what they just did. However, each time they go back to the Motel Rendezvous for another night of cheating, it gets easier and easier, and eventually the person feels no remorse whatsoever. That is the way a person will feel if they keep rejecting Jesus. In Revelation 3:20, Jesus says Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.”....

Jesus loves you but He is a gentleman. He is not going to make you get saved. If that were the case, there would have been no need for the cross and there never would have been sin if everyone including the Muslim terrorists and Hitler all get to go to heaven regardless of their deeds and actions. People eventually stop hearing the knock at the door. It is kind of like the guy who keeps asking out the girl and she keeps telling him she can’t because she has this or that to do. Eventually the guy will go away and find someone else if he is normal and not a whacko stalker. The girl them loses all opportunity for that fellow. He might have been the one true love she was waiting for but she’ll never know it because she rejected him one too many times. It is the same thing when one keeps rejecting Jesus knock at their heart’s door.....

Do not believe the lies of the Devil when he says that you have plenty of time, because you don’t. You could go at any time. If you want to go to Heaven, just turn right and THEN go straight! Don’t put it off until tomorrow because this could be your very last day here on Earth. ....


Tomorrow may never come, so you better get saved right now!....

Say this prayer: ....

Dear God, I know that I am a sinner. I know that you love me and want to save me. Jesus, I believe you are the son of God, who died on the cross to pay for my sins. I believe God raised you from the dead. I now turn from my sin and, by faith, receive You as my personal Lord and Savior. Come into my heart, forgive my sins, and save me, Lord Jesus. Teach me to live in ways that please you, helping me to know right from wrong and to overcome any struggles I have in life. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.....


Johnny Lee Clary....