BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN CHRISTIANS Johnny Lee Clary, Tracy Lord-Smith, Stella Collins, David Thrower, and Von Hanshaw
There’s a lot of political correctness ever present and prominent within the society of today which consists of everyone is entitled to their ‘fair’ share, ‘fair’ go and ‘fair’ trade, irrespective of race, religion, gender, nationality or sexual orientation. This political correctness, non discrimination, ‘get into the 21st century mentality’ is compromising our values, our ethics and quite simply the word of God.
To put forward your opinion on the “homosexual” spectrum as a whole, takes guts. You see it would seem today’s minority is actually getting the support of the majority. You mention you believe woman was made for man, and suddenly you’re classed as having ‘homophobia.’ What is it with this word ‘homophobia’ anyway? The homosexual community tags one as having a mental disorder called ‘homophobia’ if they do not support the homosexual agenda. They try to be amateur medical specialists by using this term. Look, most people do not want dog crap inside their house either and would rather it be scooped up and put in the garbage can, but does that mean they suffer from ‘dogcrapaphobia?’ Just because you do not wish to be around something does not mean you have a ‘phobia’ to it. You express that a marriage is a legal and spiritual union meant only for a man and a woman and you are labeled archaic, and maybe even a religious extremist. You mention IVF (In Vitro Fertilization which is a process in which egg cells are fertilized by sperm outside the womb) should be left for infertile male / female couples and you are told to “get with the times.” You mention the Bible and quote in particular Leviticus 18, 19 or 20, you are told “God loves everyone”, and “Jesus loves me no matter what!!” You have Christians who claim to know Jesus and read the bible, yet you press them on the “hard” issues and they want to sit on the fence, appease others and be everyone’s friend. “I’m not anti anything”, “Jesus loves everyone,” “He hung around the prostitutes,” you may get told. How many of us get these retorts slammed back in our face, yet we keep quiet for fear of stirring the pot, or having the majority also on our tail?
If you are a pastor, evangelist, teacher, or Christian speaker and you take a stand against homosexuality, you are threatened by not only the homosexual community but also by other Christian leaders who will tell you that if you speak out against homosexuality they are going to boycott your ministry and encourage other pastors to shut you down. In the 1970’s Anita Bryant took a stand for decency and morality standing up and speaking out against the homosexual agenda. For her efforts, she was rewarded with being abandoned by the Christian churches across the United States and ultimately suffered a divorce when the homosexuals began to make phone calls to the churches she was scheduled to speak at, threatening to blow them up. The churches decided to give in to this terrorist tactic and abandon Anita, saying “We don’t want no problems with the homosexuals! We can’t afford controversy!” What they really meant was “We are too cowardly to stand up for the Word of God.”
Then in the 1980’s Pastor Jerry Falwell took a stand against the homosexual agenda and many leading pastors and churches also ostracized him across the country as being too political and getting off focus from preaching the gospel. As a result, the churches joined in with the liberal media in labeling Falwell as a hatemonger. The church leaders have done the same thing to Pat Robertson and Ps. David Wilkerson. Some of these cowardly pastors are even writing blogs about Pastors Robertson and Wilkerson labeling them as judgmental in an effort to gain the approval of the homosexual communities! Well today, churches are getting to reap what they have sown.
Galatians 6:7 says “Be not deceived, God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”
Many homosexuals and lesbians are now not only being accepted into churches as full members but are being ordained as “ministers” in many denominational churches, such as the Lutherans. Roberts Liardon author of “God’s Generals” and other books published by Albury Publishing a branch of Harrison House Publishers, came out as an openly gay pastor admitting he was having homosexual affairs. In spite of this, many Christians book stores are still selling his books all over the world.
Bishop Carlton Pearson who was labeled as a heretic for his new doctrine of universalism which he calls “Gospel of Inclusionism,” (in which he states there is no Hell and Satan himself will get to live in heaven because the Bible is wrong and God will forgive him as the ultimate reconciliation where everybody goes to heaven) has written a sermon which he preached on his website called “Is God Gay,” and Pearson also speaks in homosexual churches all over America.
Many church leaders are participating in interfaith meetings with members of the homosexual communities. Before she died, Tammy Faye Bakker Messner after divorcing Jim Bakker, came out and marched in homosexual parades and even hosted a TV talk show with a homosexual named Jim Jay, which was called “Jim Jay and Tammy Faye.”
Ted Haggard was one of the leading pastors in the USA and pastured a church of 15,000 members in Colorado until it was discovered that he was a closet homosexual who was having affairs with a male prostitute in addition to a youth leader in his church. Today he regularly appears on Oprah and other talk shows stating that he is a “hetrosexual man with homosexual attachments.” He is being applauded by Oprah and others who endorse homosexuality.
And in Australia, Anthony Venn-Brown a former leading pastor who had a seat on the national executive of one of the largest Christian denominations until he left his wife and kids after 16 years of marriage for another man, is now is a motivational speaker identifying himself as a “gay Christian!” Venn-Brown is even given platforms at some large Melbourne area ‘churches’ where he has told audiences that they can chose their morality but not their sexual preference! When Venn-Brown says this, it is a lie straight from the pits of Hell. He made his own choice to practice sodomy by giving in to his wicked desires. God never created him to be a homosexual, and he is deceiving people when he says that God did. What is even more wicked are the so-called church leaders and Christians who are giving this man a platform to speak.
All of this is a result of the Christians being too passive about this perverted lifestyle and deciding that it would be best to remain silent and just pray for those caught up in a homosexual lifestyle or accept them into the church. They rebuke people like John Hagee, Anita Bryant, David Wilkerson, Ann Coulter, the late Pastor Jerry Falwell and former Presidents George Bush, Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon as being too radical and accuse them of being ‘unchristian’ by not showing enough love and compassion to the homosexuals. This is a ridiculous argument. If one were to find a needle and a spoon along with heroin in their teenager’s room, which of the following two methods should they try?
Method number one is, should they just try to show love and compassion by saying “What you are doing I don’t agree with but I want you to know that I love you and accept you anyway and if you ever need to talk about it I want you to know I am there for you.”
Or should they try method number 2 where they say, “This will not be tolerated in my home! I am confiscating that junk and you are going to a medical center where you are going to get help in overcoming this sick habit you have. I love you enough to take a stand because I care!”
Which method would you choose as a parent? I can tell you right now that if you choose the first method, then you are a sorry excuse for a parent and do not deserve to have a child and your child should be removed from your home. You might as well put a bullet in a gun and hand it to your children and tell them it is OK to play “Russian Roulette.”
Certain people are preaching “all grace—- no repentance needed” messages which leads people to think that we are in a society where everything is permissible.
Whatever happened to God’s word being the final authority? There is a cancer on the body of Christ right now that is trying to destroy God’s word by replacing it with the new age philosophy of “all grace—– no repentance of sin required” because the ‘Jesus way’ is all mercy, all forgiveness and there is no more consequences to the acts of sinning, including homosexuality. As a matter of fact, some pastors, Christian laymen and even public figures who claim to know Christ as their Savior are proclaiming that there is nothing wrong with same sex marriages, homosexuality in general, and that it is ‘OK to be gay!’ They attempt to change God’s word on the subject, totally ignoring what is written in God’s word which calls the very act of homosexuality an abomination, and they are dismissing it as “Old Testament,” “religious,” and “old fundamentalist way of thinking.”
Yes there is a need for grace and mercy but also for repentance, commitment to Christ and change by the renewal of the mind. That is called balance.
You know, it is funny – less than 40 years ago, homosexuality was a psychological disorder that used to be called SSAD (Same-sex attraction dysfunction) but now it’s being promoted as a “minority status.” This shows that our society has gone mad. What can be more mad than to totally dismiss the example of the wrath of God that was poured out upon two wicked cities full of wicked homosexuals who were so perverted they wanted to rape angels from Heaven?
Genesis 19:1-29 says God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of homosexuality. For people who say all sins are the same, it should be pointed out to them where God rained fire and brimstone down on a complete city burning up 75,000 people not because they lied, or bore false witness or coveted from their neighbor! God rained fire and brimstone down upon them because He couldn’t stomach that sin anymore.
No one is trying to justify the other sins but obviously God calls some things an abomination and homosexuality is one of them. Genesis 13:13 identify the men of Sodom as exceedingly wicked sinners. Genesis 18:20 says that the sin of Sodom is “very grievous.” Genesis 18:23 again adds emphasis to the portrayal of the inhabitants of Sodom as “wicked.” Genesis 18:24-33 shows that God could not find even 10 righteous souls in Sodom. One must shudder to think about what God is going to do to San Francisco, California! If God does not deal with them, then He owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology!
God’ word is plain in Leviticus because it is such a clear and uncompromising picture of God’s expectations and His standards on how we live:
Leviticus 18 : 6 – 21 talks exclusively about what is unacceptable in the form of sexual relations.
Leviticus 18:22 “`Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.”
Verse 29-30 goes on to say “everyone who does any of these detestable things – such persons must be cut off from their people.” Notice God says MUST be cut off, as opposed to may or can be cut off from their people?
Leviticus 20:13 “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.”
Today many pro-homosexual Christians are on the scene telling everyone that those scriptures were Old Testament and that they are no longer applicable to today’s new way of thinking. If they are going to dismiss scripture in the Old Testament then they also must dismiss Jesus because every scripture Jesus ever quoted is found in the Old Testament! Jesus also made it a point to say that he did not come to do away with the laws of the Old Testament but to fulfill them. (Matthew 5:17) Those who try to dismiss Old Testament scripture encourage you to think outside of the box and go with the new way of thinking which they claim comes from Jesus. This proves that they are so wet behind the ears that they do not even know God’s word in the New Testament let alone the Old.
For instance, “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another: men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.”
Romans 1:26,27 (KJV)
“For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened… Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another… Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, He gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity…”
Romans 1:20-29 (NIV)
“Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.”
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 (NIV)
1Timothy 1:10 “and immoral men and homosexuals and kidnappers and liars and perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound teaching,” (New American Standard Bible)
“For adulterers and perverts, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine” (NIV)
So now we know from the word itself exactly what God thinks about homosexuality. He says it’s perverse, it’s sexual impurity, it is unnatural, it’s depraved, it’s unnatural, and goes directly against His plan of creation. Now we challenge anyone to disagree with that!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One pastor even had the nerve to write a blog in which he implied that homosexuality was OK because Jesus never mentioned it. Did this guy get his religious education from the Ted Haggard School of Theology? I mean he hasn’t even taken into consideration that Jesus never mentioned having sex with a donkey, a chicken or a gorilla, but that does not mean it is OK because Jesus never mentioned it! Some people should never be given anything sharp to play with let alone be allowed to pastor a church!
Why are so many pastors, many of them pastors or assistant pastors of large metro churches now saying it is “OK to be gay?” Well, if you want the truth of the matter it is because a lot of the homosexual community are extravagant big spending people who have money and there are a lot of churches that have many homosexuals attending them and if the pastor preaches the truth of God’s word concerning what the Bible really says about homosexuality, the homosexuals will take their money and go back to ‘Brokeback Mountain.’ One should never compromise God’s Word and standards in order to make money.
The Entertainment Industry And Homosexuality
We are living in a day and age where the entertainment industry shoves homosexuality in our faces every day. The homosexual agenda not only includes “Same Sex Marriage” but they have successfully pushed forward their lifestyles to the public over the television sets conditioning the public to accept their perversion and depravity. TV shows like “Will and Grace”, “Queer Eye For The Straight Guy”, “The L Word”, “Queer Folks”, MTV Videos, and even cartoons such as “The Simpsons”, and “Southpark” portray Christians who take a stand against homosexuality as evil, hateful, and wacky; while portraying the homosexual lifestyle as ‘normal.’ As if there wasn’t enough shows on TV promoting homosexuality, MTV is preparing to launch a “24-Hour All-Gay All Day Channel” which will include programming geared at teaching kids that it is ‘cool’ to be a homosexual and perfectly normal. They will even include a homosexual dating game, as if Jerry Springer wasn’t enough, with promoting homosexuality in just about every show whipping the audience into a frenzy as they scream and yell, “We Love Lesbians” while girls get naked and kiss all over each other right on nationwide TV while an audience cheers them on. Parents, Jerry Springer is shown in many states around 3-4pm in the afternoon, so you will be happy to know that might be what your kids are watching when they get home from school. Now they will have the “24-Hour All Gay All Day Channel” to look at also!
Hollywood put out a movie called “Brokeback Mountain” that received 8 Oscar nominations. The movie tried to give an entire new name to westerns, by glorifying a homosexual love affair between two cowboys. Hollyweird has sent a clear message: Jesus is out and sodomy is in! John Wayne and Ronald Reagan would be appalled if they were alive today!
Many so-called Christian ‘celebrities’ are also jumping on the bandwagon and promoting homosexuality and telling people it is now OK to be gay.
Kate Perry, whose real name is Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson , the daughter of Assembly of God pastors put out the number one song for 2008 called “I Kissed A Girl And I Liked It.” This song was not only a hit in the USA but in other nations as well selling millions upon millions of copies.
Samantha Fox was a top selling rock singer in the 80’s. She declared she had become a born again Christian and even performed at Christian music shows. A few years ago Samantha Fox judged a lesbian beauty contest and then she and another woman who was once a guitarist for the 80’s metal all girls band called “Girlschool,” moved in together and when lesbian allegations surfaced, Fox was quoted in a Feb. 2003 interview about her lover, “But I can’t keep saying, ‘Maybe,’ or denying it. It is time to let people know where my heart is. People keep trying to say I’m a lesbian. I don’t know what I am. All I know is that I’m in love with Myra [Stratton, her manager]. I love her completely and want to spend the rest of my life with her.”
Former Australian Idol winner Guy Sebastian who claims to be a Christian gave an interview in favor of same sex marriage. Here is the link :
Here are quotes from that interview:
Gay Magazine: There was a mini-debate about you saying you had a lot of gay friends and so were offended by the word “faggot”, but that homosexuality surely clashes with your Christian beliefs?
Guy Sebastian: That’s the sad side of Christianity. That’s not how it’s meant to be. I’ve been to gay clubs heaps of times. That’s the old fundamentalist way of thinking that’s unfortunately spread through all these generations. They miss the whole point of Christianity which is love. God loves people whether they are black, white, gay, straight, bisexual, whatever. As a Christian, we’re never going to get close to being sinless or perfect, and I’m no better than anybody on this earth, but our No.1 goal is to be as loving as we can. We aim to be like God, so for me, I think that’s a really ugly side of when people get lost in religion. It’s funny, Shannon (Noll) gets called that, Anthony (Callea), all my friends in the industry. That’s the word everyone picks — as soon as you’re in the industry you’re gay.
Gay Magazine: You’re not anti gay marriage?
Guy Sebastian: I’m not really anti anything. If you’re a gay couple why not? I don’t really have a stance because I don’t know what it’s like to be told you’re not allowed to marry somebody. That doesn’t seem fair to me.
Old fundamentalist way of thinking? No Guy, it is GOD’S way of thinking. Perhaps you should stop trying to compromise the Word of God in order to sell your music to the gay community if you really are a Christian, and instead of going to gay clubs heaps of times, go back to bible college and learn what God’s word is all about! What Guy Sebastian has advocated is in direct contrast to the word of God which shows that he is unlearned and too uneducated in the ways of God to be any kind of ‘role model’ for young Christians.
It is rather disappointing that when God has placed people in positions of influence they seem to compromise in their beliefs. If they profess to be a “born-again” Christian and are in the music/film/media or a high profile businessperson or in politics to name a few, then they have a responsibility to speak the truth when asked, and not what a ‘minority’ group wants to hear. They are there to make God’s name famous not their own. When they start saying they are ‘pro gay’ then you know they are on the downward spiral and losing sight of God’s Vision and Truth. It’s very sad when you have ex-pastors like Ted Haggard and Australia’s Anthony Venn-Brown going on TV and saying you can be gay and a Christian, and a young man who was Australian Idol’s first winner advocating same sex marriage and going to gay bars! It breaks many people’s hearts and it must breaks God’s heart too.
There’s a newsflash and this is it: Jesus does love each and every one of us…there is never a shadow of a doubt about that. He even loves Charles Manson and Adolf Hitler however (and this is where it gets nasty), the bible tells us, in order to accept Jesus and truly love him in return we must give up our sinful ways (and yes God has clearly identified homosexuality as a sin) or we will pay an awful price.
Many will also debate now, that the threat of hell is turning non- believers away from Christ. They say it’s too confrontational, and others may even give you the impression Jesus loves you so much, He is even prepared to over look a few of your sins, and just worry about the major ones like rape and murder. There is even an article out that talks about how many of us put Jesus in our own box, and elaborate upon our own interpretation of His goodness and the grace we have been saved by.
The topic of homosexuality is one which causes heated debates, controversy and confrontation at times. The ‘un-hallowed Halls of Congress; the Senate’ in America are passing the HATE CRIME Bill which will make it illegal to openly and publicly speak out against the ABOMINATION of homosexuality {Romans 1}.
The odd thing about the TRUE God {Yahweh, Jehovah, Elohim} of the Holy Bible is that He never changes. He is the same: yesterday, today and forever {Hebrews 13:8}. Regardless of what our post-Christian society believes, and regardless of what “AMERICANIZED CHRISTIANITY” believes…God does not change, period. It is people who change.
The thing about homosexuality is that it is both a demonic issue as a well as a psychological problem. Rev. Royce Shelton, who onetime taught New Testament at Southeastern University in Lakeland, FL, once described homosexuality as this: “someone who is mentally what they are not physically.” As was stated previously in this article, in the old days, it was classified as a psychological disorder as well, being called Same-Sex Attraction Disorder (SSAD). For more information about that, feel free to check out
Homosexuals need to be shown the same love of Christ as any sinner, but it certainly does not mean their behavior should be condoned. A person involved in this lifestyle is in demonic bondage as well, as demons do mess with the mind and cause psychological issues. Therefore, deliverance from this bondage is vital to the struggling homosexual, especially one who has found Christ and seeks deliverance. So yes there is plenty of truth to love the sinner but hate the sin. Anyone who says this is wrong, does not know God’s ways.
Ezekiel 3:18 says “Suppose I tell you that wicked people will surely die, but you don’t warn them or speak out so that they can change their wicked ways in order to save their lives. Then these wicked people will die because of their sin, but I will hold you responsible for their deaths.”
Those of us who have written this article are obeying God’s word by warning the homosexuals that they are in sin and we also offer a way out of their sin for them. When they have friends who condone their lifestyles and say all they are required to do is to love them, and not point out their sins, then these are not true friends. These so-called ‘friends’ are contributing to their damnation in an eternal agony of Hell when they do not speak the truth that homosexuality is a sin because the truth will set the homosexual free.
If you had a friend and you saw that friend attempting to get behind the wheel of their car drunk, you would be no kind of friend if you stood by and said nothing. You would be allowing that person to kill themselves and perhaps others. You have a responsibility to warn that friend and to attempt to stop them from causing harm and death not only to themselves but to others.
This article does not display hate, bigotry, or prejudice of any kind against homosexual men and women. The people who have contributed to this article are the best friends that a homosexual can have as they are telling them the truth, something that their friends are not telling them; that Jesus Christ is the cure for the homosexual lifestyle, that Hell is real and that is where people end up when they do not repent of their sins. Homosexuals do NOT have to go to Hell however, if they repent and turn from their wicked ways and give their lives to Christ. It is our hope that upon reading this article, anyone who is either guilty of the sin of homosexuality, or guilty of condoning it in anyway, well repent, ask Jesus for forgiveness and begin the process of renewing the mind as described in Romans 12:2 so they can become a new creation in Christ Jesus!
What To Do If You Are A Homosexual Or Involved In Any Other Sexual Sins
No one has to live in bondage with an abnormal life of homosexuality nor any other abnormal behavior. No one has to be controlled by pornography. No one has to have evil thoughts plague their minds. There is a way out through what Jesus has done for us. He loves sinners and wants to free us from any evil practices. He will empower those who cry out for deliverance to get free and stay free. Here are the steps you must take to get free:
(1.) Make a total commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ. Be willing to turn your life completely over to the will of God and yield to His plan for your life. This means you must be willing to do anything, go anywhere and give up any thing as He leads. Remember, God will never lead you to do anything that is not in agreement with the Bible. You can trust God. He created you and has a better plan for your life.
(2.) Your must pray and read your Bible daily. You must study and apply the Word of God to overcome Satan’s attacks. The way that you resist the attacks of the devil is by quoting the Word of God to him. When the devil came to tempt Jesus, He simply quoted the Word to him. Good praise tapes will also be of a great help when you are tempted. Put one on and start singing along with it.
(3.) You must pray for and seek out a strong Bible believing group of Holy Spirit filled people. You will need their help and fellowship. As you humble yourself and seek help, the Lord will deliver you. Ask God to lead you to someone that can pray the prayer of deliverance for you, as you probably will need to be set free from a demon. You should also seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit as you will need His power to get free and to remain free.
(4.) You must cut off all sources and relationships that would lead you back into sin. The Bible tells us to flee fornication (sexual sins). (1 Corinthians 6:18) You must get out of any corrupt entanglements, or areas that you know will be a temptation to you. If you have been hooked on internet pornography subscribe to an Internet Service Provider that will filter out the pornography for you. Destroy all evil books and videos.
(5.) Should you slip or fall back occasionally, repent and get right back up and go on with God. Do not allow the devil to condemn you once you have repented. Put your sin under the blood of Jesus. He will strengthen you and you will win this battle because of the Lord’s promise to you. Remember, He loves you and is there to help you. Run to Him when you get in trouble, never run from Him. He will not ever give up on you! We too, will be standing with you for your total healing and deliverance. Philippians 1:6: “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.”
(6.) You must forgive everyone that has ever hurt you. You can only do this through the power of God. You must by a simple act of your will voice the forgiveness and then the Lord will give you the feeling of forgiveness. This may be a while in coming but just keep forgiving when you think of any wrong that has been done to you. The Lord will give you His love for those people who have wronged you.
(7.) If you have been attending a church where the pastor or church leadership support same sex marriage, supports homosexuality, or allows pro-gay so-called Christians to speak or sing at their church, get out of that church and find a Bible believing church that does not condone or is not afraid to speak out against homosexuality.
“Father, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”
Finally we want to pray for you right now if you need it:
Dear Heavenly Father,
We come to you in the mighty name of Jesus and we ask that you touch this one right now, first of all with your love and forgiveness. Lord, wash their sins away. Wash away all the uncleanness and guilt. Lord we ask you to free them right now from the powers of darkness.
Now, we speak to Satan and his demons and we command them to leave in the name of Jesus! Satan, this one is no longer under your power. The blood of Jesus has set them free! We resist you and you must flee! This one belongs to God and you have no more authority over them! Be gone!
Dear Lord, thank you that you have set this one free and we are believing that you will lead them to the right people that will help them to walk out this deliverance. We break every chain of iniquity over their life and cancel every evil word that has been spoken against them. We declare they will walk in your victory and that you will enable them to do it. Lord, fill them with your Holy Spirit and guide them in the ways of God! We speak blessing and success to them. Most of all, we pray that they will feel your love for them right now. We ask this all in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.
If you need further help, email us or you can get help from the ministries listed below: (Please go to these links so you do not have to struggle with this issue alone.)
Exodus International:
This is an international organization with ministries around the world to help the homosexual.
©Johnny Lee Clary International Ministries