By Pastor Johnny Lee Clary
How many times do people not share the gospel from someone they either just meet or have known awhile that is not saved, for fear of rejection? I speak to people all the time that tell me that they have been yelled at, told off and even threatened by people they have tried to share the gospel with. When this happens a lot of people fear ever doing so again. It is really sad that someone would take offense at someone trying to show them how to keep from going to Hell and attain eternal life instead.
One thing that can be said when someone takes offense is, “Excuse me sir or ma’m. If I saw you in a burning house I would do my best to try and save your life. Sorry I cared enough about you to try to get you a ticket to Heaven instead of seeing you spend eternity burning in Hell.”
I know that probably sounds offensive too but believe me it works. People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.
"How much does a so-called Christian have to hate you if they really believe in Jesus, Heaven, and Hell and never tell you about it?"
An atheist even said once that what irritated him even more than someone sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with him, was a person who claimed to be true believers in Jesus Christ, Heaven, and Hell, but thought so little about people that they never told them about it!
That atheist was right to say what he did. Jesus thought enough of us and loved us enough to leave His throne from heaven, come here to Earth, get rejected and ridiculed and then go to the cross to suffer the most horrible death ever known to mankind so that we could have eternal life! And then we are going to be so selfish as to not wanting anyone else to know Jesus?
Who are you telling about Jesus? Better yet - who are you not telling about Him that really needs to hear His story and yours? Are you sure you believe in Jesus and in Heaven? If so, why not tell everyone you know about this amazing news we call the Gospel?
Tomorrow is not a promise. It is only a chance that you or I will be here. Maybe we should think about taking every opportunity to rescue people that are on that Hellbound train and getting them a ticket to Heaven instead!
They might tell you to buzz off, and you might feel rejected, but remember that it is not you that are really rejecting, it is Jesus. Then again, maybe, just maybe they won’t tell you to buzz off and maybe you won’t feel rejected. You may be able to reach them just at the right time in their life, so why not give it a try? God needs you and why? Because God works through people. You may be the only person that can reach that person you are sharing the gospel with. Your pastor can’t be everywhere and neither can the guest evangelists that your pastor invites to your church. You have to opportunity to meet people through the week at your workplace, your neighborhood, the local bar, the ball game, or even in your family that your pastor does not. You may be the only Jesus that they ever get a chance to see if they do not go to church or watch preaching shows on TV. Why not take advantage of that opportunity? What are you going to say to Jesus if you don’t?
I do not care what these new age politically correct idiots say about how we are to keep our faith to ourselves and not infringe upon the rights of others by sharing it. I obey what God’s word says instead of man. Acts 5:29. It also says in Ezekiel 3:18 “Suppose I tell you that wicked people will surely die, but you don't warn them or speak out so that they can change their wicked ways in order to save their lives. The

If you truly believe in WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) then you will work as hard as possible to get people off of that Hellbound train.
That’s why you should share the gospel!
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