Saturday, June 20, 2009


By Rev. Johnny Lee Clary

This time she has gone too far! Oprah Winfrey has created and launched a new religion that blasphemes the name of Jesus Christ. Oprah’s new religion preaches a philosophy that is damnable, heretical and straight from the pits of hell. I received an email from Mr. Dale Hogue who was my teacher back in high school and he asked me what I knew about Oprah starting a new religion. At first, I thought it was some email rumor as we get them all the time, so I immediately checked it out for myself, ( and I invite you to do the same) and found it to be true. Here is the link:

I think of all people I am qualified to talk on cults given my past association with them as a young man, (KKK, White Aryan Resistance) ) in addition to having to part company with my former pastor who I served as an elder under, Bishop Carlton Pearson. Pearson drew national attention just a few years ago when he went off the deep end and started a cult called “Inclusionism” similar to the one Oprah has started. Pearson was labeled as a heretic by the American Bishops Association. He was the most famous Black preacher in the USA and lost his huge church because of his new found religion. Instead of having a church like he used to have that once was in the thousands, he now has a borrowed building where he holds services for a couple of hundred gays, lesbians, Muslims, and New Agers. He has written a book called the “Gospel of Inclusionism” as well as “God is Not A Christian,” in which he says there is no hell but “hell on earth’ and that all people, whether they be Muslim, Hindu, Christian, Nazis, Klansman, Mormons, or any other religion; or hellish figures like Adolph Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, Jim Jones of the People’s Temple, and Josef Stalin are all going to go to heaven because no one is a mistake in God’s eyes. Oprah’s new religion is quite similar to Pearson’s.

However, if I were a gambling man, which I am NOT, but if I were, I would be willing to bet that Oprah is not labeled as a heretic. Why? Are you kidding? Do you really think the majority of the people will attack Oprah? They wouldn’t dare! She is the most powerful Black woman in the world and people would be in fear that they would get their butts handed to them on a silver platter if they tried it. Not only is Oprah powerful, but unlike Carlton Pearson where he once had several thousand followers, she has several million, and that alone will make people fearful of calling her new religion a cult which is exactly what it is! However, there are a few of us real followers of Jesus Christ who realize that God plus one equals the majority and has not the spirit of fear. (2 Timothy 1:7) Therefore, this woman needs to be exposed and her new religion and “new” Jesus, needs to be called for what it is; false doctrine and a cult straight out of the pits of hell!

Here are some of the things that Oprah is teaching:

Ø "My salvation comes from me”
Ø “There is no sin; no evil; and no devil”
Ø “Do not make the pathetic error of 'clinging to the old rugged cross.”
Ø "The name of Jesus Christ as such is but a symbol.... It is a symbol that is safely used as a replacement for the many names of all the gods to which you pray."
Ø "God is in everything I see."
Ø “YOU are the ‘Light of the World’ instead of Jesus.”
Ø “Teaches people to rethink everything they believe about God and life and encourages thought reversal”
Ø "A slain Christ has no meaning."
Ø "The recognition of God is the recognition of yourself."
Ø "The oneness of the Creator and the creation is your wholeness, your sanity and your limitless power."
Ø "The Atonement is the final lesson he [man] need learn, for it teaches him that, never having sinned, he has no need of salvation."

Now let me remind you that this is the same Oprah that brought us Barrack Hussein Obama, to be our next president. She is known as the “Star maker” and she is the one who made Obama a star. Many have turned out in droves to vote for him based on Oprah campaigning for him. MANY FOLLOW Oprah blindly. Do you really want a woman that is so unstable as to create a new religion and commit blasphemy against the Lord Jesus Christ to recommend a candidate to you to vote for as your nation’s leader? Also consider the mere fact that Obama is joined at the hip with Oprah, and that alone should make one reconsider voting for such a man.

Johnny Lee Clary is the former Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and former professional wrestling champion Johnny Angel, who turned against the Klan and racism and is now a world renowned motivational speaker and ordained minister working to bring racial unity all over the world.

© 2008 Johnny Lee Clary International

Rev. Johnny Lee Clary
(918) 919-0105 Office


  1. I find this really sad. I remember years ago hearing that Oprah read the bible and I was so pleased to hear that, hoping that she will be a vessel who God can use in the position she has. Sadly over the years I just couldn't understand why she was turning to New Age teachings that were so unbiblical. I have lost interest in her and rarely watch her if any at all. The world seems to be blinded with charisma and are so easily led astray with these deceptive teachings. That is so, so sad. I really don't understand why anyone would believe a man/woman than read what the bible says. We are certainly are in end times. We need to have our eyes on the Lord and not be swayed so easily by people like Oprah and Obama and so many others who look so genuine and wanting the best for us but really they are taking people down the path to hell.

  2. Oprah has been leaning in this direction for quite some time now. I believe that it was in the 90s that she began having "spiritual" guests on Thursdays.
